
Power Supplies

EES Corp., as a distributor of CABUR, is proud to distribute high-quality power supplies. In fact, CABUR offers a complete range of electronic products for switchboards for systems and machine automation, process control, and facilities of all kinds. Our products are user-friendly and easy to manage (both for distributors and spare parts warehouses), and they are designed for industrial applications thanks to ongoing research, the use of cutting-edge and innovative technologies, and the analysis of industrial requirements (performance and specifications).

Power Supplies range includes:
a complete series of power supply units using switching, linear, and filtered technology. In 1997, Cabur was the first to adopt primary switching for its power supply units instead of the conventional solution in which an electronic circuit is mounted on the transformer. Our range of switching power supply units is marked by its reliability and versatility. The CSF series provides universal 90–264 VAC and 110–300 VDC input and top performance, thus reducing energy consumption, dissipated energy, and temperatures. It is a convenient and easy solution for a wide array of power supply requirements and problems.

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